
In: Data_base tree structure->FE Model->Geometry

The elements should be imported to PragTic only after the nodes are read, but also the other way is possible.  The nodes defined from such an upload are incomplete as regards their definition, since they have only their ID-number, but description of their coordinates or normals is missing. Such nodes cannot be used for any fatigue analysis. An elements description is usually based on several data_vector types:

Elements and element tables of incidencies are the only entities that are really necessary for successful definition. If the description of the currently imported element type is missing, the user is prompted to define it within the Element Groups window according to the number of nodes related

The set of all element numbers uploaded has a reserved ID-name E_ALL.

Description: Element - element ID, EG - ID-number of element group set, RC - ID-number of real constants set, Material - ID-number of material, LocProp - ID-number of properties of structure, CSRes - coordinate system used for results printout, Node1-NodeX - nodes forming the element.



real constants

element group



coordinate systems

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